Some Thiamine Benefits For Human Body

At the beginning of his discovery, Dr. Eijkman said that the disease elephantiasis can be cured with regular rice bran.
Dr.. Eijkman find important substance in rice bran can also be found in vegetables, nuts, milk and egg yolks. Important substance is then given the name of thiamine.
Thiamine is easily lost from rice during the milling process. Being a water-soluble vitamin, causing vitamin is easily lost during rice washed and cooked. Most of thiamine in fruits and vegetables are usually lost during prolonged storage. Thiamine is also destroyed in the baked bread and cereals are cooked with baking soda.
Benefits of Vitamin B1
Thiamine has many health benefits for your body. Among them:
Enhance Your Body's Energy
Thiamine helps improve blood circulation. Increased blood circulation can help the distribution of oxygen to tissues throughout the body. The higher levels of oxygen that enters the network, the higher the energy level of the body. Especially during intense exercise.
Prevent Anemia
Anemia causes hypoxia in sufferers. It also triggered a decrease in hemoglobin concentration in the blood. Vitamin B1 plays a role in helping the production of red blood cells and increases the flow of oxygen throughout the body and prevent anemia.
Glucose Metabolism Helps
Carbohydrate metabolism plays an important role in maintaining the balance of the body's systems, especially in the liver. Keeping blood glucose levels is one of the many roles of liver for the body. Liver ability to manage glucose is inseparable from the role of vitamin B1.
Maintain Brain Function
Research has shown that thiamine can maintain blood levels of homo-cysteine ​​at a healthy level. Homo-cysteine ​​is an amino acid compound which is needed by the human brain. If the amino acid is not managed properly it will affect the decline in brain function. This vitamin also has the ability to improve the brain's nerve fibers. Beef, liver, shellfish and fish contain large amounts of thiamine.
Preventing neuropathy
Neuropathy as a disease common in people aged 40 years and over is difficult to avoid due to the decrease in the body's ability to regenerate nerves. But there are still ways for neuropathy did not approach our bodies. One is the increased consumption of vitamin B early on to keep the nervous system so that it can work well.
If you are unable to meet the body's need for thiamine  you can get it in the form of supplementation is widely available in the market. However, before you use it make sure that the supplement is completely safe to use.
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