Foods To Help to Lower Cholesterol Evil In The Body

Foods To Help to Lower Cholesterol Evil In The Body ~ Cholesterol is definitely owned by each person in his body. Cholesterol in the body will start from our birth. But the amount of cholesterol can be increased by feeding activity that we have done. Total cholesterol was strongly influenced by the type of meal that we consume. Though the number of cholesterol that is malicious will endanger our health. Bad cholesterol can cause a liver sickness because it affects the circulatory process.

So to reduce the growth of bad cholesterol diet needs to be done right. Do not carelessly consume food that has upper cholesterol levels. But for some types of these foods may help reduce cholesterol levels in our blood.

Foods To Help to Lower Cholesterol Evil In The Body

Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables contain many essential vitamins that serve to the body, one of its functions is to lower the body's cholesterol. Recommended fruit is apples and vegetables are recommended cabbage and sweet potatoes.

Tea has the advantage to be able to prevent blockages in blood vessels, thus heart attacks can be prevented. By drinking tea on a regular basis in a reasonable amount can help reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the body, especially in the blood vessels.

Nuts contain omega 3 fatty acids that have the ability to reduce the risk of heart attack. Recommended types of nuts are almonds and walnuts.

Lemon juice
Lemon fruit contains vitamin C which is very high. Vitamin C is an antioxidant to help the body function. By regularly consuming lemons in a certain period of time can help lower cholesterol.

Cinnamon may help reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels in the body .

The fish is identical to the content of protein and omega 3 which is very high. Omega 3 can help reduce levels dependent viscosity and blood pressure.And the end result is to reduce cholesterol levels in the body.

Cholesterol can not be eliminated, but at least it can be prevented growth for the health of our bodies. With proper diet, cholesterol can be controlled easily.
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