Food That Make Being a Regularly Menstrual Cycle

Regularly Menstrual Cycle
Menstruation is a monthly cycle of a woman who must be experienced. This indicates that women are still fertile and healthy. But there are times when the periods become so worrisome. This is because of the lifestyle and the food that makes irregular menstruation. Many women are worried because they think there are serious problems with the female organ. Well, if it is not too serious, you can handle it by eating these foods.
Salmon is a famous luxury foods with nutrients that are also rich. Consumption of salmon on a regular basis can help increase collagen in the body. In addition, salmon can give you good stability hormones. This is because the content of calcium, vitamin D and many other nutrients that are beneficial, so you can not easily stressed and menstruation you can arrive on time.
Broccoli is one of the types of vegetables that are beneficial to health. Content in it, including vitamin A, B, C, K with added antioxidants, iron and fiber-rich. The content of folate and B vitamins in broccoli can prevent depression which became one of the triggers irregular menstrual women and the unhealthiness of our current monthly period.
The Sesame
Although sesame is small, but has great rewards. That said, eating sesame can help condition your body stay healthy as vitamin E, fiber and unsaturated fatty acids. You could eat dumplings or consumption of foods with a sprinkling of sesame. But not advisable to eat too much because the sesame causing more body heat.
Soy Milk
Consumption of soy milk can make menstruation more smoothly. You can consume soy itself to beautify the skin, regulate and maintain a healthy waist circumference. Soy milk is good for menstrual pain but you are lazy to eat. Besides could be the additional power, the nutrients in a glass of soy milk is able to maintain a healthy body and reproductive system.
Choose boiled eggs rather than fried eggs. Protein it contains has good benefits such as soybeans in helping regulate your menstrual cycle. Eggs are also able to maintain your hormonal system and keeps you powered and focused when she was menstruating.

Some of the above foods can also be replaced with other alternatives such as spinach, nuts, fruit and other marine fish. Consumption of food that is not too cold and heat as well as fresh ones, can keep your body system is not compromised, especially during menstruation.
Also avoid too much activity but lack of rest, because the food, activity and rest should be balanced so that the body is always stable.
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July 3, 2013 at 3:26 PM × This comment has been removed by the author.
July 3, 2013 at 3:35 PM ×

Nice explanation about food that make being a regular "Menstrual Cycle". Irregular period or oligomenorrhea is a most common problem in many women. It may be either late period or early period. Also it may be bleeding between two periods. The major cause of irregular periods is estrogen, but it may also be due to poor diet, hormonal imbalances, stress, too much weight loss or gain, usage of birth control pills or any other medical

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