*Top 5* | Skincare Tips For A Healthy Look in This Winter

Winter may be a fantastic time of year packed with winter sports, Christmas cheer, and snow! but, it’s conjointly a rough time of year for your skin because it will become dry and irritated. Watch my video below for recommendations on a way to keep your healthy glow through the winter months.


1. Protect Your Skin:

Keep victimization ointment though it feels cold outside. I like to recommend employing a mineral sunscreen with flowers of zinc just like the ones found over in the spade search. confirm to additionally apply to the crack of your hands as they will be exposed too.


2. Do Regular Mild Exfoliation:

If you're already on an honest skin care regiment, like the Spa Dr. Daily necessities, exfoliation ought to be done once per week. attempt a product like our Pearl & Rose flower petal Exfoliant that has finely ground pearls, therefore, it’s not abrasive on the skin. you would like to form certain you're not damaging the skin however exfoliating it in an exceedingly mild method. Your skin is even a lot of sense within the winter, therefore, go simple on that.

3. Use Clean and Natural Products:

Use a product with the right pH scale (with gentle acidity). This helps guarantee a healthy foundation for your skin.

4. Dampen Your Skin:

You would like to form bound to use the correct oils on your skin. you'll be able to mix the product. With the Spa Dr. skin care line, you'll be able to use the STEP 3: Moisturizer and use a bit little bit of that, however, combine it with STEP 4: Glow Boost to form it even a lot of hydrating and nutrient. the correct oils can create your skin feel luxurious and soft even within the winter months once your skin tends to feel drier. Don’t be afraid to use oils though you have got oily skin disease prone skin, the correct oils can assist you to have that natural glow and not cause you to get away. When you follow these 5 tips they're going to additionally assist you to avoid dry rough lips and dry brittle hair. However, if you would like a bit further wetness, you'll be able to additionally use oils like Spa Dr.

Glow Boost here too. you'll be able to place it on the ideas of your hair and on your lips even. additionally for your lips, you'll be able to create a home-baked ointment created with shea butter, cocoa butter and essential oils rather than crude product and artificial fragrance. keep in mind what you place on your lips, you finish up feeding.

5. Hydrate:

Drink many waters, flavoring teas, or quandary with lemon. additionally get the correct facts and oils into your diet. Eat healthy oils like avocado oil, copra oil, and vegetable oil and avoid processed/packaged ones. confirm your digestion is functioning well, therefore, you absorb the great fats you're feeding.


If you get caught move into cold, windy weather, you'll be able to use healing salves with antioxidant-rich, soothing ingredients on your face. they need natural ingredients and are terribly nutrient after you have dry rough areas from being move into the weather. general-purpose Salve and Jane’s Golden Salve from Barlow Herbals are 2 that I like to recommend.
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