Hard Boiled Eggs and It's Benefits

Hard Boiled Eggs and It's Benefits ~ At the dining table, maybe just a trivial when we served a hard boiled egg. But boiled egg has a lot of nutritional content in it, such as potassium, iron, zinc, vitamin E and folic acid. According to the study, a boiled egg has 6.29 grams of protein and 78 calories, so when used as a full breakfast menu, eggs can help refuel the body naturally and control hunger. Meanwhile, if before fitness training you are consume them, hardboiled eggs would  change into packets of strength that you need along the training.

Hard Boiled Eggs and It's Benefits

Good for eye health 
Boiled eggs good for the eyes. Eating boiled eggs on a regular basis, just by eating carotenoid. These carotenoids protect against macular degeneration, a common cause of vision loss in adults.

Good for nails 
Boiled egg has a high sulfur content which is a source of vitamin D is good. Along with other minerals and antioxidants, provide better growth for your nails.

Good for brain 
If you eat a boiled egg early on, then you're giving a favor to live in the future. Other benefits are the poached egg donation choline, a compound that is needed for the functioning of the brain in order to stay healthy. Choline intake is what is needed to help reduce the risk of certain diseases such as Alzheimer's.

To lose weight 
Boiled eggs turned out to be one of a good diet to lose weight. Containing 80 calories and rich in protein, weight loss can be done significantly and gives good results.

Good to the bone 
Boiled eggs can help maximize the absorption of calcium and keep bones to get the calcium intake. 

Good for blood 
Based on the study boiled eggs would avoid you from blood coagulate. The intake of soft-boiled eggs are good for heart health and help prevent strokes. 

Good for female breast 
Consume boiled eggs more than once a week at least help prevent breast cancer in women. This was shown by studies in which women who consume at least 6 chicken eggs per week, the risk of breast cancer have a 44% lower.
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